Tuesday, September 28, 2010


May be easy for some, surely not for many. Just accept the fact that we can't have a triangle.

Dem yuh!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I haven't been writing for quite some time. Don't know why, neither what has been running through my mind lately, nor why nothing has been running through my mind. Don't really care either.

I've been talking to many people about many things, sharing equal amount of agreements as well as arguments.

So far, none is interesting enough for me to write back, or worth commenting here, not that they were boring, most of the conversations were interesting but rather unmoving. It left no impact to what I'm going through now, my real situation. To me, it's like looking at a big, beautiful house. You can imagine how wonderful it would be if you actually own that house (in present dream or future) with so many things you can do or fill it up with, but you know you don't want to live there, you can't imagine yourself living there, because it's not you, it's not who you really are, it's not what you want to be.

Maybe because works have taken so much energy from me that every time before I fall to sleep, I keep thinking about the next day. I'm not complaining about it, frankly, it's what we should be doing. Really. Otherwise, what are we going to do everyday? Daydream? Work smart, not work hard? I don't believe that. Do what you are passionate about? I think 90% of people who I had conversation with, always telling me about their passion about certain things (please exclude 'sex' as one of the points in this conversation) but are doing something on the contrary.

Why is that?

Speaking of daydream, Shaq and I had our routine chit-chat at home this one night, and it was Merdeka Eve. So I told him to write something from the word "M E R D E K A", and so did I. After a few minutes, he said:

Most Extraordinary Ridiculous Daydream Ever Kills Action.


Everybody daydream. But can I daydream all the time? Will anything change if I daydream all the time? Will I get rich? Can a tall building possibly appear all of the sudden, if ten thousand people daydream about building the tall building, all at the same time? But if these ten thousands each help place one brick a day according to the construction plan, imagine what will happen in one year. Now that's action.


Everybody says change is so great, but what so great about change?

Here's my piece of mind:

Survival of the fittest is not about being fit; It is about being adaptable to CHANGE.

If President Barack Obama earned his presidency seat from his campaign "HOPE", I will earn mine with "CHANGE".

Well, unless if he steals mine after reading my blog.

Dem yuh!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jalan singkat ke kubur.

"Dah siap ke belum? Nanti lambat sampai pula. Dah nak hujan ni."

Gua terhegeh-hegeh betulkan kain samping. Alah, raya ni. Mestilah nak segak lebih sikit. "Dah Papa. Tunggu si Boy tu saja. Dia yang lembab," gua seperti biasa kalau hal lembab memang ada mangsa tetap untuk disalahkan.


Bangah memandu. Gua di kerusi co-pilot. Papa, Kangah, Kenit dan Boy di belakang. Memang macam sardin, nasib baik naik V6.

Mama tak ikut, masih sibuk memasak kat rumah. Kalau tidak seorang memang kena baring atas bumbung.

Boot belakang tak boleh buka, baru-baru ni ada penyamun cuba umpil, habis rosak lubang kunci. Nak repair macam bukan masa yang sesuai, maklumlah Raya dah dekat masa tu, duit dah habis tanggung benda-benda lain, kata Bangah masa gua sedang sibuk-sibuk nak letak barang-barang di belakang kereta. Memang penuhlah bawah kaki dengan beg, botol air, kasut, suratkhabar, macam-macam lagi. Sabar sajalah...

"Kita nak ikut jalan mana satu ni?" Bangah tanya.

"Mana-mana pun boleh. Biasa kita ikut NKVE. Tapi kalau ikut Guthrie terus sampai, ikut jalan belakang." Papa beri cadangan. "Cuma Guthrie tu kita tak biasa ikut, Papa ingat-ingat lupa jalan dia."

"Saya ingat rasanya Papa," kata Bangah.

"Okaylah kalau kau ingat. Ikut Guthrie lah."


"Lu nak ikut Guthrie ke Bangah?" gua tanya nak confirmation.

"Ye lah kot."

"Kita nak masuk ikut mana?"

"Ikut Bukit Jelutong la kot. Ermm.." Bangah macam tak confident pula bunyinya.

"Kenapa tak ikut jalan biasa saja? Senang sikit rasanya. Tapi kalau lu nak ikut Guthrie pun takda hal. Cuma gua tak sure jalan tu. kalau lu on, gua on," gua seperti biasa lagi, tak kisah sangat.

"Hmm.. Gua takda hal kalau nak ikut NKVE, sama je kot. Guthrie dekat sikitlah rasanya, itu saja."

"Okaylah macam tu kita ikut Guthrie. Cepat sikit kita sampai kubur."


Bangah pandang gua, "Lain macam lu punya ayat tu bro. Gua taknak 'cepat sampai kubur'."

Gua hampir tersedak bila gua flashback ayat gua tadi.

"Wow, that was really awkward," gua separuh tersengih. "Okaylah, kita ikut NKVE. Gua pun taknak 'cepat sangat sampai kubur'."



Berhati-hatilah semasa memandu di jalan raya, terutamanya di musim perayaan seperti sekarang.
  • Walaupun Ops Sikap tiap-tiap tahun dijalankan sebagai peringatan kepada pengguna-pengguna jalan raya yang rata-ratanya rela disaman daripada sampai lambat ke destinasi.
  • Walaupun pengendali lebuhraya berbelanja besar meningkatkan mutu serta tahap keselamatan lebuhraya masing-masing walaupun ia bersifat sementara.
  • Walaupun anda telah minum empat tin Red Bull yang berpotensi merosakkan hati dan buah pinggang serta sudah tidur 20 jam sebelum memulakan perjalanan.
  • Walaupun memandu dengan mematuhi had laju serta undang-undang di jalan raya walaupun anda tidak tahu undang-undang jalan raya kerana memiliki lesen terbang.
Teori dia masih sama: makin sesak sesuatu tempat itu, makin tinggilah peluang sesuatu kecelakaan akan berlaku. Tak percaya? Cuba tengok protes jalanan, cuba tengok konsert mega. Sekarang, gandakan seratus (dianggarkan lebih 1.4 juta kenderaan sehar menggunakan lebuh raya di musim perayaan).

Lagipun semua orang dah kenyang makan lemang, makan rendang, makan lontong bagai, memanglah kebas satu badan.


Nota kaki: Gua tak sampai hati nak letak gambar atau video orang kena langgar, sakit woo. Gua tau lah, gua pernah kena langgar.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Light vs. Sound

Why do people nowadays read so little, and then pretend they know everything? Just because they have a thing called 'Internet', they think they're smart?

Intelligence is so overrated.

Here's a fact: Light travels faster than sound.

Therefore people appear bright until you hear them speak.

Dem yuh!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Misi Elak Rakyat Daripada Erti Kemerdekaan Anasir
web count
web count