Monday, February 21, 2011

Twit my bird

I have a blog. No, in fact, I have three blogs, and a Facebook account.

However, sometime last year I was forcely introduced to Twitter by my cousin. Even though I am relatively new to it, it has become something that I really enjoy having around, and it is a good avenue for me to express my sarcasm, profanity and smartass remarks, also at the same time I'm able to share those thoughts to others.

I've followed many, and certainly un-followed a plenty, mainly because over time, their tweets became less and less interesting with a lot of anger. Vulgar words are fine with me, but this is different, if you know what I mean.

Apart from friends in which I normally enjoy their dull tweets, I try to be selective whenever I follow someone else. I guess I want just enough amount of decent tweets. The rest I hope the retweet (RT) reaches me.

I also tend to follow fictional characters, and since a Twitter account does not require you to be a 'real' person, I am free to be creative with my choices.

Eventually, I suppose I need to also be selective and carefully choose what I want to write and how I write it. Grammar and spelling needs to be in check, although not necessarily have to be perfect, as long as I know I'm doing it on purpose.

Please do not encourage yourself to write in short forms unless you talk privately with your girlfriend. I know it is a 140-character thing, but instead of writing short forms, try to be more serious about choosing better words. Example: down to earth (3 words) vs. humble (1 word). See what I mean? This will train you to come up with something concise and sharp, otherwise known as witty.

I will not RT unless I know that person, and only if it matters to me, even in a small way especially when we are living in the age where there are too many false information and cheap gimmicks.

Why do I need to be cautious when I write something in my own space? Your account is some kind of an identity, your identity. People do not know you and the do not need to know you personally in order to follow your tweet. So whatever you write something, others can project an image of your character or imagine you based on your tweets. Some people might find you amusing, funny, smart, sexy, angry, shallow or just plain dumb. Of course, it's your choice.

Why am I saying this? Try read back each of your own post and then ask yourself, "Would I follow myself, if I was another person?" If your answer is "Yes, I would," then I suggest you read again.

Twitter is a powerful platform, and the speed of information being traveled in it is extremely fast. You can get your words out to the world within seconds.

So many people can write, but can they write in just 140 characters?

One of the fun parts is when you jump from one account to another and read their tweets randomly along the way, and you find someone/something that interests you. It's like digging for mine, you might find many things, and eventually some rare gems.

You may find everything from old friend, random person, group, wisdom, shop, celebrity, super villain, even death.

Oh, in case you want to follow me (cheap marketing), please find me


Someone has taken my nick though. I hope he really IS a BudakNakal.

Like, watdefakk la kan?

Dem yuh!

Friday, February 18, 2011


My sound in silence,
My light in darkness,
My courage in fear,
My smile in sadness,
My calm in rage,
My laugh in tears,

My love in life.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Setiap tahun masuk bulan Februari isu Valentine's Day mesti jadi modal basi banyak pihak. Bosan nak dengar. Tapi sebab dah hari-hari dengar benda sama gua rasa nak berkata-kata sikit.

Malas nak cerita sejarah pasal Saint Valentine yang mati/kena bunuh apa bagai. Itu mengarut. Tambahan, kalau di 'Wiki' perihal Valentine's Day ini pun tak ada bukti kukuh ia berkait rapat dengan cerita-cerita karut yang kita dengar sebelum-sebelum ini.

Beberapa persialan yang gua nak hujahkan (bukan typo walaupun huruf 'I' dan 'O' masing-masing bersebelahan)

1. Golongan Pertama: Ekstremis

a. Golongan ni memang berotak delusional serta negatif yang kronik. Dia saja yang betul, yang salah semuanya orang lain. Dia ingat dia maksum macam Nabi S.A.W.
b. Dia ingat dia pandai sangat. Benda yang dia tak suka dia cakap HARAM, yang dia suka semua jadi HALAL.
c. Khutbah Jumaat patut utamakan benda yang lebih penting i.e Maulidur Rasul, ini sibuk nak masuk spotlight cerita Valentine's Day. Fokus tak betul.
d. Bila berdebat memang pantang kalah. Bila disuruh cerita sejarah Valentine's Day, ada berpuluh versi. Maksudnya ilmu belum cukup tinggi, dan terlalu percaya khabar angin dan bukti sejarah yang lemah. Kalau nak buktikan sesuatu itu salah atau tidak bermoral, tunjukkan bukti secara konkrit.
d. Macam tu haramkanlah sambutan Hari Raya, pasal Nabi S.A.W tak ajar bagi angpau, beli baju mahal-mahal, ziarah kubur setahun sekali. Tabur bunga atas kubur tu ajaran Islam ke?
e. Sibuk sangat nak betulkan orang lain. Macam tu haramkanlah orang pergi tengok wayang, pasal hal remaja dan orang tua pergi beromen dalam panggung tu dah berpuluh tahun dah.
f. Habis tu bila Hari Pahlawan, kita boleh pula sambut? Buat perarakan, pergi kubur menangis semua? Buat tugu kasi orang sembah?
g. Sambutan Tahun Baru, ikut budaya mana? Pergi lah lawan semua sambutan. Jangan berat sebelah.
h. Habis orang yang jual bunga ros, cokelat, kad ucapan pun kira haram lah?
i. Kalau sambutan Hari Thaipusam, penganut Hindu berarak di Batu Caves, siapa yang jaga trafik? Takkan orang Hindu juga? Mesti ada orang Islam kawal trafik juga kan? Itu kira haram ke? Maksudnya kita menyokong upacara keagamaan agama lain ke?
j. Kalau waktu umat Islam solat Jumaat, boleh pula anggota polis atau RELA penganut agama Hindu dan Buddha yang tolong kawal lalu lintas? Boleh pula?
k. Nampak macam tak relevan, tapi persoalannya ialah, apakah garis panduan kita menentukan soal halal-haram ni? Takkan hanya sebab sakit mata dan rasa pahit tengok remaja-remaja keluar beramai-ramai di bandar sempena Valentine's Day dah dikira jatuh hukum haram?
l. Habis tu kau janganlah keluar, jangan pergi dinner dengan bini kau kat luar, kurung diri dalam rumah, jangan tengok TV, jangan makan cokelat, jangan siram bunga. Itu semua haram.
m. Kepada tuan kedai runcit ekstremis, jangan jual cokelat, kad ucapan atau bunga kepada siapa-siapa pun hari ni. Itu juga kira subahat. Haram.

2. Golongan Kedua: Jahiliah

a. Ini golongan yang lagi hampeh, perangai sensitif tak beragak. EQ rendah. Kerja dia hanya tau nak kondem golongan ekstremis saja.
b. Lagi lahanat daripada golongan ekstremis. Benda yang tak berfaedah nak diagung-agungkan.
c. Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan yang diwakili cendekiawan Islam (harap-harap tak makan cendawan ajaib) dah buat keputusan, yang kau nak melatah buat apa? Tak ada perasaan hormat kepada sebuah institusi yang bertauliah.
d. Benda sambutan Valentine's ni memang menghabiskan duit dan selalu terbabas, mengaku sajalah.
e. Kalau kau kemaruk sangat nak beli bunga, cokelat, dinner bayar dua kali ganda, kau buat lah, tapi tak payah nak bising-bising. Nak impress awek tak kena tempat, immature.
f. Kalau kau ketagih sangat nak sambut Valentine's, tak payah lah nak menyalak-nyalak. Ganja tu haram kan? Hisap diam-diam sudahlah, kau nak satu dunia tau ke?
g. Tanggungjawab seorang Islam mengikut hukum agama yang berlandaskan Quran, Sunnah, Ijma' dan Qiyas. Kalau rasa-rasa tak tahu, pergilah belajar. Kalau malas, diam sudahlah.
h. Kalau susah sangat, buka buku sejarah, cari satu peristiwa yang menarik, buat hari baru yang lebih spesel daripada Valentine's.
i. Takkan kau orang tak sedar kau jadi mangsa Kempen Pemasaran (marketing gimmick) atau mangsa permainan ekonomi Kapitalis? Ini bukan isu sambutan Kristian, ini isu perang psaikologi golongan kapitalis untuk mengaut keuntungan atas kebongokan orang-orang yang jahil. Dan juga misi menguasai dunia oleh golongan Illuminati.

3. Golongan Ketiga: Kafir

a. Ini paling tak ada guna dalam isu ini. Masalah agama orang lain, dia pula nak jadi hero.
b. Memperlekehkan keputusan dalaman agama orang lain. Kau bakar duit kertas, kereta kertas semua masa nenek kau mati, ada orang lain nak kritik? Duit kau, itu kau punya pasal lah, betul?
c. Ini semua isu Islamophobia. Orang Islam nak pakai hijab, kau suruh buka. Habis si Bai tu pakai sanggul kat kepala tu tak ada pun orang lain kompelin. Kalau ada kes bom, mesti Islam. Tak ada ke golongan ekstremis agama lain yang kaki bom orang lain?
d. Kau tau tak babi tu banyak kuman? Tau pun, tak ada pun orang nak halang kau makan. See what I mean?
e. Kau sebenarnya bengang pasal boyfriend kau Muslim, kau pula agama lain. Orang lain pergi celebrate, boyfriend kau takut nak keluar.
f. Kau bengang pasal bisnes kau mungkin terjejas.
g. Tolonglah, jangan nak menyibuk isu dalaman agama orang lain. It shows that you have a bunch of your own goddamn problems but have no brain to solve it.

"Saya ini pun bukan sempurna, tapi saya tahu. Dosa dan pahalaku Tuhan saja, Tuhan saja yang tahu. Tuhan saja yang tahu. Tuhan saja yang tahu."

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Vuck Day.

Yeah yeah yeah,

When it comes to this Valentine's Day, people going insane. Buying presents, going out to dinners, buying flowers, all sorts.

I have actually wrote a series of Valentine's tips and tricks, and it is called the Valentine Mode Series. Please go check it out. Some definitely will work for you.

Or, allow me to lay it down for ya. Click at the topics.

Have fun, and Happy Vuck Day, people.

Dem yuh!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

This is United.

Berbatov did it against the Scousers,

Rooney did it against the scums,

How about superb?

Dem yuh!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The truth about hobbies

Let's talk about hobby-slash-potential-future-career. More like a reality check. Or a solid knock on your head about what you love to do in life that means so much to you and to the world, but in the end it's just something you love to do, nothing more than that.

One example, and the most misconception/mislabelling a.k.a poyo tak bertempat: PHOTOGRAPHER.

1. If you own a DSLR it doesn't make you a photographer. At most, it shows that you are either:
a. A kid from a well-off family and caught up in the 'green grass' syndrome
b. A kid who knows how to manipulate their not-so-rich parents
c. A person who has deep interest/curiosity in photography (with very little knowledge)

2. Don't worry, most people do get into something under false assumptions. Something like, "I love to capture moments." or, "I'll get invited to cool events/parties and meet pretty people." What does that mean, really? That you can be a stalker, or peeping tom? A pervert?

3. Many so-called photographers take wedding pictures. Is it really that interesting, the wedding jobs, or is it because you get to finally charge some couples your 'ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL RATE' at least once in their lifetime?

4. Those who are professional photographers, get invited to events and take pictures of pretty faces, beautiful things, amazing places and so on. Great. But remember, it's your job. Nothing to be extra proud of. Really.

5. A photographer gets to take pictures because that's their job. Sometimes something special, but that's about it.

6. The reasons why some things (ie., photography) suddenly became an popular hobby are:
a. The tools became cheaper and cheaper
b. Easier to get/purchase
c. Many people are doing it, therefore it becomes less awkward (ie., Rempit)

7. If you really want to be a photographer (or anything for that matter) you need more than just, "I love to capture moments." Or if it really is, stop self-labled yourself as a "photographer".

8. Having the backstage passes to snap pictures of artists who naturally crave their pictures taken but don't really care who takes it as long as they get their powdered faces on the magazines don't make you a cool photographer.

9. The price of your camera isn't an indicator of your skills.

10. Shut up and just do your job.

11. This also goes to those who think they are a DJ, model, skater, cook, fashionista, or many other fad hobbies.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone.


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