Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Everything is a GIFT (Part 1)

Today I'd like to write about one thing I took for granted, almost my entire life. It's called GIFT.

No, not birthday gift or any material gifts you get when you succeed in anything in your life. Not that, for now.

I wanna talk about GIFT in life. How everything in life is a gift, a beautiful one.

I'm not really in the mood of writing too long for now, so I'll post this as Part 1. Next Part(s) will come afterward.

Okay, how do we get this started...

Alright, let's see. Majority of people see things in their lives as "miserable, unlucky, difficult, embarrassing" and so on. It will never stops.

For example, last time I was so insecure about my looks, my physical appearance I mean. I thought I'm ugly, dark, bad hair, I sweat a lot, among other things. Every time I go out, I feel insecure. I don't think I can even get a girlfriend. But I realized that time, there's nothing I can do about it. God gave me this. But what can I do for myself? I can train the other part(s) of my body such as BRAIN. You see there's so many things you can do with your brain. When you master your brain, you master your body, and you can handle anyone around you.

Well, I'm not saying that I can get a girlfriend any time I want now, but I have to say my girlfriends (exs' - I'm single now) most probably loved me not because of my physical. I have nothing to offer on that area. I said "most probably" because up until now, I didn't know why they accepted my request of being their boyfriend, maybe because they feel pity for a loser like me. I don't know. The most they said probably "you're cute" (cute = ugly but adorable). Acceptable.

So you see, it's all about your PERCEPTION about yourself and other people around you. You have to train yourself to have a right mindset and right perception.

Some people think you're a problematic person, but I rather think you're a challenging person. It's two different things. You might think that I'm arrogant, but I'd like to think that I'm confident. It's how you see it. You feel embarrass because your palms sweat all the time, but if you look at it, you don't have to be embarrassed because that means not everyone gets the chance to touch your hands.

Okay, another example; You can see ghost. The first time you saw ghost, you thought it was an unfortunate encounter. The only one. Then you see again and again. You freaked out. Hell I'd freaked my ass out too. You thought,"I'm a weirdo, I can see ghost, people think I'm a freak, I'm a loser blah blah blah..." And then what, you gonna spend the rest of your life thinking you're a loser just because you can see ghost?

If you love yourself, and try not to be affected by other people's atrocious judgments, you will learn how to face the reality. You must learn how to face the reality.


Change your mindset of looking at things. In this case (the one who can see ghost), first of all you have to accept that there's nothing much you can do to change it. You are SPECIAL. Very few people in this world are special. So just live with it, and make use of your special ability.

Such as?

If you have a talent in painting, maybe you can paint the image of the ghost you saw and sell it. Or, instead of feeling terrible because the guy who you like in your class, keeps on making fun of you, you tell him that there's a horrible-looking ghost who has a thing for him and follows him wherever he goes and the only way the ghost stops following him is to be close to you. Haa! Then what next? You can start imagine and think how you can reframe the social bigot and live your life to the fullest.

Dem yuh!


hiddie said...

love this:

Some people think you're a problematic person, but I rather think you're a challenging person. It's two different things. You might think that I'm arrogant, but I'd like to think that I'm confident. It's how you see it. You feel embarrass because your palms sweat all the time, but if you look at it, you don't have to be embarrassed because that means not everyone gets the chance to touch your hands.

its so true. its how you look at things.

Budak Nakal said...

Wait for Part 2; it's supposed to be better. Unless it turns out to be like Scary Movie sequels.

s t a b i l z said...

aku tak paham langsung ape ko blog nih.

Budak Nakal said...

Umar: I can't expect you to understand, because your life ain't like mine. Nevertheless, be more imaginative and try to unlock the mystery of life.

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